I am continuing to research plane fairs and options for our winter get away. So many choices. Is it possible to do 3 countries this winter? Latest idea is to fly from Calgary to Guatemala City... spend a couple of days in Antigua before traveling to San Pedro at Lake Atitlan to settle with a Guatemalan family so Lisle can take 4 weeks of Spanish. I could spend my days volunteering by hanging out at a school to help children learn and practice English. Surely I could manage that.
Then we could fly from Guatemala City to Quito, Ecuador and spend a month getting to know the many different areas of it. We met someone through the Couchsurfing organization who may be able to give us a few tips. It is wonderful to be able to contact like minded people that way. We could explore the Andes and check out the valleys and the coastal communities. From Ecuador it would be fly to Panama City to spend the last month exploring Panama and finishing off with relaxing on the Caribbean before returning to Canada.
So with that itinerary I am trying to find the most practical and economical ways to get around. Will keep you posted.